The Central School

Looking back at the 40 years of its existence of The Central school, Dubai we feel nothing but pride. Established in 1982 in a small villa in Deira Dubai and moving under the NIMS group management in 1986 this institution began with a minimal 120 kids and which has now evolved to the mighty strength of 3000 and more. Years back when many of those who couldn’t meet the exorbitant education expenses, The Central School Dubai became a safe anchor for quality education and best values which lured parents from various nationalities such as India, Pakistan, Bangladesh and SriLanka to choose TCS as their learning destination. This step by step growth became a reality through hard work and determination of many.
Excellent CBSE result, Student hard work, complete trust and cooperation by the parent community and quality teaching by the teachers has been the trigger behind this institution’s growth from the Small villa in Deira Clock tower to the 2002 occupied current enormous multifaceted facility complex in Al Nahda. This impressive premises was inaugurated by none other than the well-known Emirati poet and lyricist Dr. Arif Al Shaikh who is the creator of the UAE National Anthem.
No organization or institution can ever succeed or reach its heights without a visionary founder and mentor, in this case the vision and dream was that of our Founder Chairman Dr. Kamaludeen Haji Sahib. The Central School was a milestone in his educational vision which is now proudly carried on by the family.
May Almighty shower his blessings on all and help TCS to serve many in this noble field of Education.
Moral Values
Islamic education as per the requirements of the Ministry of Education is compulsory for Muslim students. Free hifz thajveed and deeniyat classes are also offered as a part of our service. We have facilities for offering prayers in congregation in our group of schools. Regular lectures from great scholars are arranged for both boys and girls.Special Hifz-E-Quran classes are conducted at the school itself under the supervision of a teacher for this purpose. Under this programme the school provides the interested Muslim students an opportunity for Hifz (ie memorization of the holy Quran) without affecting their continuity of their regular school curriculum.Central school is conducting Central Islamic Festival every year. First Central Islamic Festival was held in 2003. Competition items are Quran Recitation, Hifz Quran, Islamic Quiz etc. Attractive prizes are given to the winners.